COM Women's Volleyball Blows Out Competition in Nail Biter

Photo Courtesy College of Marin Athletics
The COM Women’s Volleyball team is on the rise this season, with eight wins and seven loses. Yet many students don’t know the games exist.
Head Coach Lisa Gera, is an experienced coach whose love for volleyball began when she was 10 years old. Her view on the volleyball program at COM is clearly looking toward the future.
“The future of this volleyball program is on the rise. We just started beach volleyball in the spring time and that has really helped grow the indoor program, as well,” Gera said. “We are fighting for a conference championship. Top two finishers in conference earn a playoff bid in the state championships.”
COM volleyball players are also optimistic about competitive volleyball at COM.
Sarah Harris, a COM volleyball player, looks forward to competing with their rivals.
“In our league, I am always looking forward to a good match,” Harris said. “It’s hard to say right now whether it’s Solano or Los Medanos. We barley lost to them in the first wave of conference, and now I’m out for a win!”
As far as the fan base goes, it’s sometimes challenging to find a fan on campus despite all the positive energy on the team.
COM student, Lillian Lopez, confirms this perception “I have a really busy schedule, so I’m not really able to attend [COM sports], but I’d love to.”
Gera would love to see more attendance at the games. “We have a great group of hard working student athletes who genuinely care about each other and enjoy playing the sport they love.”